Sea Angel Tarot Readings!!

By Jennifer Elizabeth

Tarot Reading has always been a secret talent of mine since I was 16 years old. Over the decades, it has waned and then called back strong in my dreams and visions. I even got certified in the Art of Intuitive Tarot last year. Would you like to book a private with Sea Angel Jenn?…


By Jennifer Elizabeth All Author has been a pleasure to work and getting my children’s book out there. Please click on the link above to read the interview! Thank you again for all your support and if you have not purchased my book yet, please click on the link below to Bookbaby, where when you purchase from…

The 2 Johnnie’s in Ireland Mermaid Interview

By Jennifer Elizabeth

Last month, I mentioned I was invited to interview with ‘The 2 Johnnie’s’ podcast based in Ireland. I woke up early on Friday, April 15th and got Mermaid ready. It would be about 6pm their time and I came in at the end of their taping of a Live Podcast. The piece aired on the…

Earth Day 2022 – Invest in our Planet

By Jennifer Elizabeth

Good Day, Friends and Fishes! I wanted to do a quick blog post in honor of Earth Day and a reminder that we need to protect the most important Mother of all. Our Mother Earth. Take time today to think about how much plastic we use. Where can we be better? Find Beauty Products, health…